Hi, Giuseppe here, I hope all of you read my story and are ready to understand the purpose and goals of nodivision.org. This site exists to help people understand the importance of viewing the people of this world as one. This is the reason why this site exists. We all must come to understand that everyone is a part of everyone else. When people are divided this division stops progress, encourages hate, fear, and violence. Not understanding that we are all one starts inside everyone of us. How we feel about ourselves directly affects the way we treat others. If your energy is loving, kind, giving, and respectful towards others your life will reflect these qualities. The energy you put forth into this world will come back to you. On the other hand if your energy is fearful, negative, hateful and judgmental towards others, your life will reflect these qualities. The way in which we treat others is directly related to how we feel about ourselves. It is much easier to hate someone when we dislike who we are. Being judgmental and critical of others is directly related to how much we judge and criticize ourselves. Doesn’t everyone want to be at peace with themselves, feeling happy and content with who they are? On this site there are ways to find contentment, peace, and happiness inside all of us. On nodivision.org there is information to help people understand that…
There is a way out of self-hatred, unhappiness, fear, depression, and anger. These negative emotions impact our daily lives making it difficult to accept ourselves and even harder to accept others. You will learn that all of our emotions are created by us and we have the power to confront them, to own them, to deal with them on our own, or seek help with them. Once we learn that all our emotions good or bad are created by us, we can then stop blaming other people for how we are feeling. Here is where you…
Can explore the meaning of God, how to forgive yourself and others, how living in gratitude. can change the way you feel about your life, because nothing can grow out of negative emotions, except more negativity. Here there will be many topics that will help you on your path to find contentment and happiness within you. Once you understand how damaging it is to be afraid…
We can all start our journey to finding happiness within us. Fear stops us from being our authentic selves, from speaking the truth about who we are, and all the other fear based issues that stop us from telling the truth. Once we realize that everything we desire is on the other side of our fears, we can start on our road to freedom. Walking through our fears, doing or saying something that terrifies us will always be a positive step resulting in us feeling more and more free. Fear also plays a major role in not accepting people who are not like us, which could lead to violence against them because we don’t understand them or their differences. When we live fearlessly we are at our most powerful. Through books, videos, lectures and many other avenues of information that will help everyone to finally find contentment and self love within them, nodivision.org will be here for everyone. We all want feel good about who we are, liking who you are enables you to put forth positive energy into the world, instead of a fearful, angry, hate filled one. Nodivision.org is here for all to find their way to accepting themselves and others. To finally see that we are all one, to find peace and contentment inside all of us, so we can let our hearts lead the way instead of our fears.
Thank you.
This mission statement was a co-creation by God and Giuseppe.